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How is PaviX applied?Application can be done with most any spray system. Whether hand sprayers or GPS monitored units. Low PSI needs considered when applying.
When applied, what can I expect?"PaviX is a clear product. When applied to a clean and ready surface, you can expect some initial darkening of the surface, which will eventually dissipate. Once the PaviX is dry, expect immediate repellency of your surface.
Is PaviX harmful to the environment?No. PaviX is a 100% green product and will have no effect even in naturally sensitive areas.
How long will PaviX last?The PaviX dual crystal system is long term and will remain embedded in the substrate system for as long as the affected substrate is intact.
Is PaviX tested and proven?Yes. PaviX has been applied in the U.S., as well as various European countries. PaviXboasts testing credentials from independent laboratories, universities, special industry/project groups, and day to day production quality controls. All ASTM test results can be requested. Click to see testing results.
Does PaviX protect reinforcing steel?Yes. PaviX, by preventing the intrusion of water, salts, chlorides and many corroding chemicals from entering the substrate, will add longevity to any reinforcing steel and limit/eliminate corrosive effects
Is PaviX toxic?No. The PaviX dual crystalline technology is 100% green and contains no volatile organic compounds (VOC), hence allowing PaviX to be used in environmentally sensitive areas, waterways, watersheds, bridges and more.
Does PaviX protect against "Freeze and Thaw" damage?"Yes. By blocking the intrusion of water (ice) into concrete. PaviX has been ASTM tested and exceeds 300 cycles.
What is the final appearance of PaviX?PaviX will dry clear and transparent.
Can I put a coating over PaviX?Yes. Paint, plaster, stucco and concrete skim coats can all be applies. Please reference the PaviX "Specification and Application Guide" for best results.
When is the ideal time to apply PaviX?Pavix can be applied earlier than the industry standard of 28 days. Please refer to a technical data sheet. Or talk to your representative.
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