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TCA Tilt-Up Convention

…TCA. Tilt-Up Concrete Association convention, in Denver, Colorado.

As you are aware, ICC participated last month with a booth at this years’ TCA Convention in Denver. Attendees ranged from Contractors, to Engineering firms, Architects and industry Laymen. A booming side of the construction industry.

Prior to the event, ICC was involved with the TCA’s James Baty (Manager of Regulatory and Technical Affairs), and had learned that many tilt-up panel pours are plagued with stress cracks and shrinkage cracks. These are areas that need moisture protected whether leaving exposed and natural, or prior to secondary coatings.

Both Pavix and Yufix were promoted to Attendees at the ICC booth with great success. The real interest came in the outside demonstrations with the Pavix product. Here actual panels had been poured and set and the ICC Group was given one of the panels in which to treat the day prior.

As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words…” the Attendees were quite intrigued.

“This has been one of the better shows that I have attended,” said ICC’s Bruce Logan, “with immediate recognition and interest from many attendees and industry sectors.”

ICC’s Mark Chew is busy following up with everyone, sending samples and solving problems.

DON’T FORGET the Tilt-Up markets, they have issues, we have answers!

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